The fight over land between the Israelis and the Palestinians is perpetuated because they do not love one another! How do I know? Let me answer by paraphrasing 1 Corinthians 13:1 - 8 (Holy Bible KJV):
Here is how the God kind of love is expressed:
God told me to report this, and I quote:
"They [Israelis and Palestinians] constantly take from each other the very things that I have given to them. That angers Me. Christians have adopted those same traits because they have been tricked by My enemies. That angers Me too!
Some Palestinians and Israelis say that the United States people are gentiles, and they are not of God because they are not of Abraham's seed. But Jesus is proven to be of the pure bloodline seed that is connected to the Messiah, and furthermore, He is your blood relative from Adam to Abraham. You reject Him like He is a gentile too. You reject Him only because He is known as being the Messiah. The very One you are waiting for!"
My question is this: Can their ever be another man who will fit the prophetic words in your historical writings, concerning the Messiah, better than Jesus? If you utter the words, maybe not, or I do not know, or absolutely not, then you should at the very least, examine the writings within your own Holy books concerning Him more closely. Accept Him as your Lord, and you will be given the same type of Love that He possesses, and the conflict over land will be easily resolved!
"And if ye be Christ's then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." Galatians 3:29
Be Blessed, and enjoy all future articles from Robert J. Parker, Sr.
Robert J. Parker, Sr., is one of the owners of The Storehouse Center Ministries (TSCM}, and we ask you to please make a generous donation to our ministry by click on the PayPal button below: